Posted by: Sandfly
Ni. Whatever your numbers, appreciative voyeurs who've dug my shenanigans over the times, this one's for you. For you are legion. WE are legion. ================== For those who whine about big wordage, I'm sorry if you come over all discombobulated but maybe you need to loosen that sphincter a bit, and not just for your wife's arab strap. You'll still bleat in your Shirley temple voices, but this one'll leave you staring like goats at a new fence. ================ Cast back to May's 'Lesbian Reconnaisance', the vidcaps of my first sighting. Next day, I had position, discretion, their favoured shallow bunker in view. And then they came. Over the horizon, chanelled into the hot gates, making the little curve of volcanic rocks hotter than they've been for aeons. ============================ Tonight, the detractors can dine in hell. The ten shots, they will stop an army in its tracks. 'Madness,' they'll say. 'This is Madness.' =========== Madness? . . . . THIS. IS. SANDFLY!