Posted by: Bobbi
After years of pushing, I finally convinced my wife Bobbi to go to Jamaica. She had never heard of Hedonism II so She was shocked and "Pissed!" She bitched and pruded for three days before I convinced her that no-one would know us 5000 miles from home!! As she removed her top for the first time we were greeted by our kids elementary school teacher!! As Bobbi replaced her top and said "Hello" she gave me a look that left such a deep scar it is still visible to this day! Later that night after lottsa "dancin & drinkin" Bobbi agreed to cruise over to the Nude Pool to see what was going on at 4AM....But no, she would not undress, Period! Low and behold, there was teacher with several guys of verious ethnic backgrounds getting very buisy with everything she had!! Amazingly, Bobbi's prudisness vanished and we returned to Hedo three years in a row, making adventures and discoveries. That, however, is another story for another time. I do suggest that all you guys out there who have visited the Islands to send photos & stories that we would all enjoy. Perhaps we could create a new section called Hedo Wives & Girlfriends?