Posted by: Mrs. Gorgeandy
It's our first contri after a long distance VW/RC courtship and we're giving it a go. Mrs. Gorgeandy is a gamer and loves to push just how far we can take our N.I.P. adventures. This is part 1 of a 2 part contri. YOU guess where in the world we are?! Hint: This was a high risk mission! But despite the many obstacles that stood before us - Wifey bared it and I snapped it - wherever she hiked it up. (How F'ing hot!?) We ended up with just too many great pictures to choose from (Man...did I say my wife is a gamer??!! Damn baby!!) and can only narrow it down to the TOP 10. Enjoy our fun as much as we do. Chris Rock says women need food, water and compliments so how about a shout out for my fun-loving wifey!