Got a new camera. Finally talked Jessica into taking a few photographs. See did! Asked her if she was interested in posting online. She said she was curious. For Voyeurweb-ers eyes only!! There's just a few of us I think. Haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy viewing as much as I did taking...
Evidently there are a few photography pros here, and these pictures just don't meet their elevated standards. Is it that these individuals are such great photographers themselves, or could it be they are trying to boost their own self-esteem because of insecurities in their lacking personal attributes? My guess would be the latter. To the following commenters: Inkless, linemstr, Dirkwadd, FunIn507, Abi629, jddawson, Chimp, Cz, and Pickle; I'm sure you guys all have amazing portfolios of photographs you have personally taken. I'd love to see your work. However, I am quite confident we'd be lucky to find one of you who has a camera that does not make phone calls. And anything you would claim as your own would be stolen images you have already copied on your computer.
Jessica, just one word .... WOW !!! you are beautiful ! your face alone makes you beautiful, but then you add the amazing body. You my dear are going into my spank bank tonight. Thank you !!
Jessica- let me do your next session, I have a studio and several cameras... you deserve the best!!! I love your body and your pussy needs a tongue tease!!! jddawson_1969@
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Jessica Says Yes
Posted by: Jessica
Got a new camera. Finally talked Jessica into taking a few photographs. See did! Asked her if she was interested in posting online. She said she was curious. For Voyeurweb-ers eyes only!! There's just a few of us I think. Haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy viewing as much as I did taking...