Comments about diet display a clear ignorance as to what is found attractive in Middle Eastern, Indian, Latin, and even African American cultures. The current Western obsession with skinny women is very much in the minority.
Gee, rather touchy when I attack your boyfriend, aren't you, "QUEER Hornet?" Gee, do you feel really PROTECTIVE of him? Again, you can say what you want about my wife and my life, but here's what everyone knows; I have a woman and am educated--thus more likely to have decent employment. You have NEITHER. Again, it must really SUCK to be you! LOL
By the way, "Gender Confused," you are attempting to use the "freedom of speech" argument. You're saying that this forum is for the giving of opinions. Then utilizing that same logic, who are you to complain about my offering MY opinions of the abusive opinions of others. Would you seek to deny me the same right you believe protects YOU? Face it, what it comes down to is simply this; 1) all women deserve respect irrespective of their age, their size or their looks; and 2) "freedom of speech" is not freedom against retaliation for that speech. You may argue you have the right to say something, but then you must accept the fact that I have an equal right to treat you in the same manner.
Sexy Hina From Pakistan
Posted by: Hina
This is my good friend Hina, of a 3 year old.